Loan Transactions In Southeast Asia: Getting Through The Challenging Times
May 11, 2020The evolving pandemic has substantial implications on all sectors and forms of business. In this report VDB Loi banking and finance experts are looking in particular detail into possible impact on lending transactions taking into account the local practices and regulatory regime in several jurisdictions in Southeast Asia.
There has been quite a surge in lending activity in the region over the last several years. With a lot of specifics in each country of course, there has been an increase in the number of infrastructure projects financed by loans from development institutions and commercial banks. Many projects have been undergoing the pre-funding and structuring stage. Work was actively performed with respect to the “building bricks” of bankable structures, such as concession contracts, power purchase agreements, offtake and related arrangements.
In relation to many finance transactions parties are now actively discussing the impact that the developing situation has on the borrower and whether any changes are required. Amendments to loan and security documentation need to be made in line with the relevant local requirements and practices, some of which are discussed in this report.