Promoting the development of the securities market in Cambodia
December 24, 2022In the afternoon of December 23, 2022, the Securities and Exchange Regulator of Cambodia (“SERC“) organized the Annual Conference 2022 on “Promoting the Development of the Securities Market in Cambodia” which presided over by H.E. SOU Socheat, Delegate of the Royal Government in charge as Director General of the SERC at SERC office. Ms.Mariza Ung, partner of VDB Loi was invited by H.E Sou Socheat, as the guest speaker in the conference.
The Annual Conference was organized to provide a platform for annual discussion among the SERC, the Cambodia Securities Exchange (“CSX“), Securities Firms, Financial Advisory Firms, and Investment Advisory Firms in order to gather input for the capital market development plan in 2023 with the participation of all stakeholders to deal with the challenges.
The Annual conference had a total number of 50 participants, including executives from SERC, H.E. HONG Sok Hour, Delegate of the Royal Government in charge as Director General of the CSX and colleagues, Securities Underwriters, Securities Dealers, Securities Brokers, Securities Selling Firms, Financial Advisory Firms, Investment Advisory Firms, and conference is concluded smoothly and fruitfully, which all participants applauding the progress of the development of Cambodia securities sector, and they expressed their willingness to actively join with the SERC to promote the development of the securities sector, as well as to promote the growth of Cambodia Economy.