Emerging LNG and Gas Markets Outlook in Asia
Topic | Emerging LNG and Gas Markets Outlook in Asia |
Description | This session will be focused on emerging LNG and Gas markets in Asia, including Bangladesh, Myanmar and Vietnam. Industry experts are invited to share their insights into the latest development of the respective markets and evaluate the impact of the COVID19 pandemic. Key topics: – LNG and gas market dynamics in Asia and the impact of COVID19; – LNG importation and infrastructrue development in Bangladesh; – LNG market development in Myanmar; – LNG and the latest LNG to power project development in Vietnam; Panelists include: – Mangesh Patankar, Director – Gas and LNG Consulting, Wood Mackenzie – Md. Quamruzzaman, Former MD, RPGCL, Petrobangla, Bangladesh – Edwin Vanderbruggen, Senior Partner, VDB Loi, Myanmar – Senior representative, Jera |
Time | Jun 24, 2020 03:00 PM in Singapore |
Pre-registration is required via the link below: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_pj3tS9-RRK6LqP4YYFiMcg
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