Home » Event » The Two Draft Prakas on Taxation of Shipping Lines and Airlines: A Practical Analysis (Live Webinar)

The Two Draft Prakas on Taxation of Shipping Lines and Airlines: A Practical Analysis (Live Webinar)


Very recently, the General Department of Taxation released two important draft Prakas on the taxation of international transportation. The two Prakas, for the first time in Cambodia, detail how foreign airlines and shipping liners will be subject to Cambodian taxation. VDB Loi is in a unique position to share its analysis and insights, having produced the initial draft of this new regulation, which has undergone significant changes.  

In this very practical webinar, we will look at the practical impact of the new rules, the planning and compliance option for liners and airlines and we will analyze the options for taxpayers with pending tax audits. 


  • How will the new tax treatment work?
  • What should you do if you have a pending audit? Settle now or wait for the Prakas?
  • What about leasing of aircraft?
  • VAT aspects?
  • How to calculate tax for flights with connections?
  • What is new for logistics companies?
  • Transfer pricing aspects
  • What changes based on Cambodia’s Double Taxation Agreements?


Edwin Vanderbruggen
Senior Partner

Edwin has 30 years of experience as a tax consultant and spent several years as a fulltime internal adviser with the tax authorities in Cambodia. He is recognized for his experience and knowledge in strategic transfer pricing matters, such as high-stakes disputes and transfer pricing planning, and he leads a team of experienced tax advisers in Cambodia on transfer pricing compliance projects. Edwin has trained tax authorities in Thailand, Myanmar, and Cambodia on transfer pricing issues, and published several professional textbooks on transfer pricing. Edwin and his team assist banks, oil and gas companies, telecoms, and other multinationals with their transfer pricing needs in Cambodia.

Laysym Sim

Laysym is an experienced tax adviser with a degree in management. He has over 19 years of work experience, including with KPMG and DFDL in Cambodia, where he was responsible for relations with the tax authorities. He advises on transfer pricing, tax planning, and tax disputes. Laysym has conducted tax due diligence on several major acquisitions in Cambodia, and worked with a wide variety of international clients across a broad range of industries.

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August 27, 2024
9:00AM-10:30AM Cambodia Time